Eshmoun Clinical-Research traduit son engagement académique par la publication des résultats de la 1ère enquête dans son genre relatif à la perception des citoyens tunisiens par rapport à leur participation aux essais cliniques.
Article (2019) vol 97 n°04, paru dans La Tunisie Médicale.
#Eshmoun #Scientificpaper #ClinicalTrials #survey #investigation
(02/10/2019) « Intérêt des études observationnelles, dans la stratégie des politiques de santé et dans la vie des médicaments: Apport des CRO. », Intervention de Dr Chokri Jeribi à la 8ème édition du Maghreb pharma expo 2019 à Alger
La tunise, l’algérie et le Maroc déterminés à collaborer pour contribuer à la dynamisation de la Recherche Clinique au Maghreb.
#Eshmoun #RechercheClinique #bioéquivalence #maghrebpharma #Tunisie #Algérie #MENA #politiquedesanté
CVCT MEMA is one of the most unique conferences, a combination of investigators, young researchers, and regulators in a very interactive setting. CVCT MEMA is more than classic meetings, it’s a think tank meeting that cover 2 independent focuses. One day is dedicated to reviewing the findings of all major advances in cardiovascular (CV) trials and how to adapt them to the local healthcare systems. And one full day “regulatory summit” assembles all regional key stakeholders aiming at upscaling clinical research in the Region, promoting the production of reliable healthcare knowledge, much needed for all decision makers. CVCT MEMA assembles major regulatory bodies and IRBs representatives in many selected countries of the Region. It involves CROs and industry representatives as speakers and/or panelists.
During CVCT 2019, a Full day “Regulatory Summit” was held and involved key officials from regulatory agencies in the region, as well from the European Medicine Agency (MEA) and the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA), governments’ officials, major pharma and CROs, members of ethics committees, international advisors and key experienced investigators.
#EMA #FDA #MENAJFDA #SaudianFDA #Egypt #Tunisia #UAE #ClinicalResearch #ClinicalTrials #Thinktank #Harmonisationregulatoryframework