• eshmouncompany@eshmoun.com.tn

    biothechpole Sidi Thabet

    +216 27 870 563

Other events

Dr Chokri Jeribi at the 8th Maghreb Pharma Expo 2019

Dr Chokri Jeribi at the 8th Maghreb Pharma Expo 2019 640 480 ESHMOUN

(02/10/2019) “Interest of observational studies, in health policy strategy and in the life of medicines: Contribution of CROs.”, Intervention by Dr Chokri Jeribi at the 8th edition of Maghreb pharma expo 2019 in Algiers

Tunisia, Algeria and Morocco determined to collaborate to help boost Clinical Research in the Maghreb.

#Eshmoun #ClinicalResearch #bioequivalence #maghrebpharma #Tunisia #Algeria #MENA #healthpolicy

Eshmoun-Clinical Research and World Bio Consulting at the Mediterranean Women Digital Summit 2019

Eshmoun-Clinical Research and World Bio Consulting at the Mediterranean Women Digital Summit 2019 1536 1024 ESHMOUN

Participation of Eshmoun-Clinical Research and its partner World Bio Consulting to the Mediterranean Women Digital Summit 2019.

Eshmoun-Clinical Research at CVCT MEMA – Cairo – 2019

Eshmoun-Clinical Research at CVCT MEMA – Cairo – 2019 948 483 ESHMOUN

CVCT MEMA is one of the most unique conferences, a combination of investigators, young researchers, and regulators in a very interactive setting. CVCT MEMA is more than classic meetings, it’s a think tank meeting that covers 2 independent focuses. One day is dedicated to reviewing the findings of all major advances in cardiovascular (CV) trials and how to adapt them to the local healthcare systems. And one full day “regulatory summit” assembles all regional key stakeholders aiming at upscaling clinical research in the Region, promoting the production of reliable healthcare knowledge, much needed for all decision makers. CVCT MEMA assembles major regulatory bodies and IRBs representatives in many selected countries of the Region. It involves CROs and industry representatives as speakers and/or panelists.

During CVCT 2019, a Full day “Regulatory Summit” was held and involved key officials from regulatory agencies in the region, as well as from the European Medicine Agency (MEA) and the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA), governments’ officials, major pharma and CROs, members of ethics committees, international advisors and key experienced investigators.

#EMA #FDA #MENAJFDA #SaudianFDA #Egypt #Tunisia #UAE #ClinicalResearch #ClinicalTrials #Thinktank #Harmonisationregulatoryframework

Eshmoun-Clinical Research at PAFCIC 2019

Eshmoun-Clinical Research at PAFCIC 2019 960 960 ESHMOUN

The Eshmoun-Clinical-Research team at PAFCIC 2019 from September 12 to 14!

#Eshmoun #PAFCIC2019 #movenpickCongressCenter #LacTunis #ClinicalResearch #ClinicalTrials #academicCRO

Eshmoun Clinical Research to participate in the 5th DPC- Méd. training day at the Hôpital Militaire Principal d’Instruction in Tunis: (March 6, 2019)

Eshmoun Clinical Research to participate in the 5th DPC- Méd. training day at the Hôpital Militaire Principal d’Instruction in Tunis: (March 6, 2019) 467 350 ESHMOUN

Participation of the CEO and co-founder of Eshmoun Clinical Research, Dr Souad Dziri as coordinator at the 5th CPD-Med. training day at the Hôpital Militaire Principal d’Instruction in Tunis with the theme “Informed consent” on Wednesday, March 6, 2019.

First International Congress of the Tunisian Societies of Oncology Pharmacy: (March 8 & 9, 2019)

First International Congress of the Tunisian Societies of Oncology Pharmacy: (March 8 & 9, 2019) 960 720 ESHMOUN

The CEO of Eshmoun-Clinical Research, Dr Souad Dziri, was the guest speaker at the first International Congress of the Tunisian Society of Pharmacy and Oncology to discuss the role of CROs in setting up clinical trials during the second session of the day on the theme of Clinical Research in Oncology.

Eshmoun Clinical Research Associate training in partnership with the Medical Simulation Center: (March 11-29, 2019)

Eshmoun Clinical Research Associate training in partnership with the Medical Simulation Center: (March 11-29, 2019) 1245 829 ESHMOUN

Eshmoun-Clinical Research, an academic CRO dedicated to Clinical Research, is committed to implementing a training strategy dedicated to the clinical research professions.

In partnership with the Medical Simulation Center, Eshmoun Clinical Research offered its first Clinical Research Associate training course from March 11 to March 29.

National experts in clinical research shared their experience with the students. These included Pr Hechmi Louzir, Pr Chadli Dziri, Dr Chokri Jeribi, Pr Chawki Gueddas, Dr Myriam Guerfali, Pr Samir Boubaker…
The students were also accompanied by international experts such as Pr Faiez Zannad and Drs Cecile Dolinger and Stephanie Grojean.
Eshmoun Clinical-Research thus confirms its commitment to promoting medical research in Tunisia and its position as an academic CRO.

Similar training courses for the various clinical research professions and independent modular training courses are planned from September 2019.

Appearance of the Eshmoun Clinical Research academic CRO launch ceremony on April 19, 2019 in several national newspapers: Tunis Hebdo, La Presse, Le quotidien…

Appearance of the Eshmoun Clinical Research academic CRO launch ceremony on April 19, 2019 in several national newspapers: Tunis Hebdo, La Presse, Le quotidien… 797 797 ESHMOUN

Official launch ceremony of Eshmoun Clinical Research academic CRO: (April 19, 2019)

Official launch ceremony of Eshmoun Clinical Research academic CRO: (April 19, 2019) 1058 1058 ESHMOUN

Eshmoun-Clinical Research held its launch ceremony on April 19, 2019 at the Dar El Jeld Hotel in the Medina of Tunis.
At the ceremony, the Eshmoun management board presented its missions and remit across the Africa – Middle East region. The ceremony was distinguished by the quality of its audience, which included the Minister of Health, the relevant departments of the Tunisian Ministry of Health, general managers of public structures, learned societies, international and national experts in clinical research, and the local and international pharmaceutical industry.

Round table on the current situation, challenges and prospects for immunotherapy in Tunisia: (April 29, 2019)

Round table on the current situation, challenges and prospects for immunotherapy in Tunisia: (April 29, 2019) 960 679 ESHMOUN

Round table on “The state of play, challenges and prospects for immunotherapy in Tunisia” organized at the BiotechPole Sidi Thabet in conjunction with the celebration of World Immunology Day (April 29, 2019) and in collaboration with the Tunisian Immunology Society.

A highly enriching debate was witnessed, animated by the presence of various players in the field, including Dr Souad Dziri, CEO ofEshmoun Clinical-Research, as well as academics, researchers, public authorities, industrialists, doctors and patients.